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Sean Meshorer is a spiritual teacher and New Thought minister based in Los Angeles, as well as Spiritual Director of a non-profit organization. He graduated from Stanford in 1993 with a degree in Philosophy and Religious Studies. He spent fifteen years meditating, studying, practicing, and living in an ashram and spiritual community in Northern California.

He is the author of The Bliss Experiment: 28 Days to Personal Transformation (Atria Books). For more information about Sean and his book, please visit

For more information, please visit

Don’t Do, BE

We spend too much time doing and not enough Being. Our lives are structured around activity: work, raising children, hobbies, exercise or sports, studying, entertainment (concerts, restaurants, movies, video games, reading), traveling, having sex, and so on. The list of things we do is practically infinite. Even when we aren't doing much, we're mostly likely thinking about or planning things we want to do in the future. We spend very little time just Being. We don't even know what this means and why it's important, let alone how to do it. When we are Being rather than doing, we have…

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